《豐子愷》– 文化中國系列
Feng Zi Kai - A Chinese Father
《豐子愷》通過漫畫家豐子愷(1898 – 1975) 青年、中年、晚年三個時期,呈現他善美高格、德藝有情的一生,以舞台上有血有肉的人文關懷戲劇處境,承托今天在時代中思索未來的人們。豐子愷青年時追隨李叔同、夏丐尊等人確立藝術教育的信念將貫串全劇,在抗日戰爭帶着一家人走難的日子,在晚年受到政治運動衝擊的日子,始終在不可知的苦難中守護善良童心。
At the beginning of the 20th century, in the turbulent China, there were countless sorrows, family breakups, and many people were depressed and lamented that they were born in troubled times. However, there were also people who persisted in kindness and worked silently. No matter how difficult the environment was, they did their best to enrich themselves and nourish their souls.
The drama "Feng Zikai" will present his life story showing his noble character and artistic accomplishment through the three periods of cartoonist Feng Zikai (1898-1975) in his youth, middle age, and old age. We will present his story with plot of care and love on stage for those who attempt to explore the future. This play will start with Feng Zikai following Li Shutong, Xia Yuzun and others to establish his belief in art education when he was young, and then he led his family to go through hardships during the Second Sino-Japanese War, until the days when he was impacted by political movements in his later years, Feng Zikai still stayed true to himself.
編劇 / 導演 盧偉力博士
領銜主演 張達明
主演 潘芳芳 倪秉郎 冼振東 江浩然 胡境陽
陳書昕 周詠詩 梁麗麗 蘇栩瑩 黃靖濤 黃冠然 余懿 Surya Narayan Singh
舞台美學 / 影像設計 李衛民
音樂及音響設計 陳錦樂
服裝設計 袁玉英
化妝設計 陳素瑩
2023 29/9 (五) 7:30pm
2023 30/9 (六) 2:30pm & 7:30pm
2023 1/10 (日) 2:30pm (口述影像)
2023 1/10 (日) 7:30pm
高山劇場新翼 演藝廳
票價 $380
全日制學生 / 60歲或以上的高齡人士 / 殘疾人士及看護人 / 綜合社會保障援助受惠人士,可享半價優惠
網上購票:www.urbtix.hk 電話購票:3166 1288
流動購票應用程式:URBTIX (Android及iPhone/iPad版)
票務查詢及客戶服務:3166 1100 (每日上午10時至晚上8時)
主辦機構查詢電話:2606 7272 / 9616 9265